Permanent Makeup Guide: Cosmetic Tattooing Types & Costs
Permanent makeup is a tattooing procedure, used to enhance facial features, reducing the need for daily makeup. Like every cosmetic procedure it has its pros and cons, fans and detractors.
How Is it Done?
Colours are applied with a tattooing pen, much smaller than a conventional tattoo gun. Permanent makeup pigments are different from the inks used for body tattoos and the needle penetrates only to the central layer of the skin. Because the ink is more shallowly applied than it would be in conventional tattooing, it does fade over time. How fast this fading occurs will depend partly on the pigment used, partly on the specific procedure and partly on the individual, generally speaking a touch up treatment may be needed anything between one and three years after the initial procedure.
Most popular procedures
The most common cosmetic tattooing types are eyebrow and lip procedures. Eyebrow makeup is used to define the shape of the brows, or to give more prominent eyebrows to people who have faint, partial or even no eyebrow hair. Lip makeup is used to make lips fuller in appearance or to produce a more defined or regular shape. Permanent lip makeup comes in a lot of different colours so it's possible to choose a natural shade or a more vivid one.
Risks and Benefits of Permanent Makeup
There are always risks attached to any cosmetic procedure, in the case of micropigmentation these include:
- Infection, due to poor hygiene, either at the time of the procedure or afterwards
- Allergic reactions to the dye
- The formation of irregular scars around the tattoo
- Individuals who scar easily aren't suitable candidates for permanent makeup and it's also contraindicated for anyone with a suppressed immune system or a bleeding or clotting disorder.
- Some degree of bruising or soreness immediately after a treatment is almost inevitable but this should resolve quickly. Generally speaking the biggest risk is dissatisfaction with the result.
The benefits of micropigmentation include:
- The time saved on a daily basis in applying make up
- A look that never runs in the rain or smudges
- Something that spares people with poor vision or loss of fine motor skills from the daily difficulties of applying cosmetics
- Some people who can't use ordinary make up due to allergies find that they tolerate permanent make up inks with no problems
Is it Worth It?
It's a very personal decision, and the balance will be different for different people. For those who find the daily routine of applying eyeliner, mascara and lipstick all too much hassle, for people who can't use traditional products, or for those who've lost eyebrow hair as a result of chemotherapy or alopecia, permanent make up can be a godsend.
If you're considering permanent make up it's absolutely vital that you research your local practitioners carefully. Infection risk is greatly reduced by choosing a practitioner who keeps their treatment room to impeccable standards and following their advice on aftercare exactly.
A professional will obtain their permanent makeup supplies from a reputable company such as European Beauty Concept, which will cut down on risks associated from allergies to poor quality pigments and they'll always do a small test patch before completing a full procedure.